1102.000.00 Verification

1102.015.15 Medical Expenses

IM-95 November 3, 2008; IM-137 November 21, 2005; IM-90 August 24, 2005; IM-47 May 19, 2005; IM-30 April 12, 2005

Verify all deductible medical expenses (see 1115.035.15 Excess Medical Deduction) that total more than $35 per month, prior to initial certification incurred by:

  • an elderly or disabled EU member
  • any elderly or disabled individual who would be an EU member except he/she is hospitalized, in a nursing home (ICF, SNF), or deceased if the EU is responsible for the expense
  • persons receiving SSI presumptive disability payments; or
  • persons receiving SSI emergency advance payments

NOTE: If a medical expense is allowed for a person receiving SSI based on presumptive eligibility, and eligibility is later terminated, remove the medical deduction from the food stamp case.

NOTE: Spouses or other persons receiving benefits as a dependent of the above SSI recipients are not eligible to receive this deduction. SSI essential persons do not qualify for a medical deduction.

Acceptable hard copy documentary verification (HC) includes, but are not limited to the following:

  • hospital bill
  • doctor bill
  • insurance premium notice
  • pharmacy receipts

For mileage, verify the number of trips made to the pharmacy, doctor, or hospital. Client’s statement (CS) is valid verification of mileage.

Enter the allowable medical expenses (see 1115.035.15.10 Types of Medical Expenses Allowed) on Medical Expense (FMXA) screen. Record a comment regarding when the verification was received and any other pertinent information.