Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) Manual

1115.090.00 Management

IM-111 November 1, 2021; IM-40 May 15, 2007

When a household reports expenses exceeding the reported income, management must be discussed with the household.

NOTE: It is not necessary to question management or make a comment if a household has low, stable income that covers their expenses.

Discuss the situation with the household to determine the facts of how they currently manage their expenses and review the household’s prior management comment, if applicable. Enter a comment in the eligibility system regarding the household’s statement of management. If a reasonable explanation of management is provided by the household and there is no outstanding verification or the household is expedited, approve the application and authorize benefits.

When a household claims income lower than claimed expenses at recertification and this was claimed at last application, the situation may be questionable. Examine the household’s circumstances and review past management comments.

NOTE: In most instances, the household’s explanation of management should be considered acceptable.

For example: Participant reports at initial application a job loss and no current income. At recertification, no income has been reported in the last year and the reported expenses remain the same. Further discussion should be had with the participant and documented in a new management comment.

If a management comment is necessary at application, review that comment at next recertification when management must be explored again to see if further discussion is needed with household.