1141.000.00 Unclear Information

1141.010.10 Incarceration Matches

IM-88 October 24, 2023; IM-70 August 21, 2023

To prevent incarcerated individuals from receiving SNAP benefits, the agency must compare SNAP household member data with information received from Federal, State, and/or local detention or correctional institutions.

Note: Incarceration matches do not need to be explored for minors or one-person households that are completing a face-to-face interview in an office.

Review IIVE for a TPQY Prisoner Response at SNAP application.

Note: The IIVE including the TPQY Prisoner Response must not be saved in the ECM.

When a member of a SNAP household is identified as a potentially incarcerated individual, the agency must send a Notice of Match Result (NOMR) to the household. The NOMR must allow sufficient time for the household to provide proof or clarification of the situation prior to any action being taken on the case.

For incarcerated matches, the NOMR must clearly explain what information the household must provide, the consequences of failing to respond to the notice, and allow 10 days for the household to respond.

If the household does not respond to the NOMR or does respond, but fails to provide enough information to clarify its circumstances, the agency must issue a notice of adverse action (NOAA), remove the matched individual from the household and adjust benefits accordingly, or close the case.

Note: Follow 1142.010.00 Claims Process as appropriate