Section 6, Chapter 2 (Resource provider Training), Subsection 3, – (Reimbursement of Expenses)

(Effective 5/28/2024)

2.3 Reimbursement of Expenses

Once an applicant is licensed, the following expenses may be reimbursed to Foster/Adoptive Parents through SAM II. Foster/Adoptive Parents must complete the Vendor Input/ACH-EFT Application (MO-300 1489) in order to receive SAM II payments. SAM II forms are located at .

  • Babysitting expenses incurred during training may be reimbursed at $10 per hour per child. Reimbursement shall be applied to all children in the foster/adoptive home, including biological children. The foster/adoptive parent must complete and submit the generic invoice form for reimbursement.
  • Meals may be reimbursed at the per diem rate when the provider attends training in which they are in overnight status according to the Administrative Manual Chapter 7, Travel. Special expenses (i.e., registration fees).
  • Transportation reimbursement will be paid at the current state mileage rate as of the date of the trip using the Monthly Expense Report MO 300-1189 for the following activities:
    • Pre-service (once licensed and approved) and in-service training
    • Regional Foster Care and Adoption Board Meetings
    • Missouri State Foster Care and Adoption Board Meetings
    • Other meetings at the request of the Children’s Division