IM-104 December 1, 2015; IM-24 April 22, 2011; IM-23 April 2, 2010
FAMIS closes Temporary Assistance (TA) cases once the 45-month lifetime limit is reached unless a valid exemption or extension reason is entered on the TA Work Requirement (COMPACT/FM8B) screen. The closing process begins on the first day of the 45th month TA has been received.
In order for FAMIS to close the Temporary Assistance (TA) case due to the 45-month lifetime limit, the following must occur:
- The work requirement code is correct on the TA Work Requirement (COMPACT/FM8B) screen in FAMIS (refer to Work Activity Participation and COMPACT User Guides)
- Verification of an exemption from the lifetime limit has not been provided by the participant, or they do not qualify for an exemption; and
- Verification of an extension reason has not been provided by the participant, or they do not qualify for an extension. The TA participant must provide verification that they meet an extension (see 0205.075.15 Extensions to the Forty-Five (45) Month Lifetime Limit)
Refer to section 0205.075.20 Evaluation Process for the Forty-Five (45) Month Lifetime Limit for additional information.