In preparation for moving food stamp cases to FAMIS it is necessary to clean up some data in the current system.

The conversion process moves as much data as possible to FAMIS.  Cases that do not automatically convert to FAMIS will have to be manually converted before any case actions can be completed.

Once a caseload/county is converted to FAMIS, no actions may be processed in that load or county in LEGACY.  Any attempt to update the case in LEGACY will result in an on-line edit.

To maximize the number of cases that will be automatically converted, take the following steps.

  • Check worker number, load number and user ID every time a case action is entered into FSU5.
Every food stamp worker and supervisor must have a valid  worker number, load number and user ID.  The system must be able to identify and match an individual case to an individual worker.
    Review Memorandum IM-#123, dated August 18, 2000, which discusses cleansing of worker and load data. Report No. FAMC8029-01 "FOOD STAMP WORKER ERROR REPORT" will be sent to each county sixty days prior to conversion.

    For questions regarding USER ID/worker number assignment, call the help desk at 1-800-MOFAMIS.

  • Assign all necessary user profiles.
Persons assigned to set up and maintain user profiles must ensure every office support person, caseworker, supervisor, and administrator has the necessary profiles to complete their responsibility for food stamp cases.
    If user profiles are not set up or FAMIS caseloads are not created, current cases will all be converted to the TRA caseload for the county.  Extra work is required to create the profiles and caseloads, then transfer each case to the appropriate caseload.  Refer to email Memorandum IM-#167, dated December 31, 2001.

    For assistance in setting up and modifying profiles, call Greg Hunt at 573-681-0133.

  • Set up FAMIS USER caseloads and supervisory units.
Review all caseloads in the county to ensure every food stamp worker has a primary caseload assigned.
    If user profiles are not set up or FAMIS caseloads are not created, current cases will all be converted to the TRA caseload for the county.  Extra work is required to create the profiles and caseloads, then transfer each case to the appropriate caseload.  Refer to email Memorandum IM-#167, dated December 31, 2001.

    For assistance in setting up and modifying caseloads, call Greg Hunt at 573-681-0133.

  • Check every address in CD1P and ensure addresses are correct. 
If there is a residence address available for a Post Office Box delivery, enter the residence address where possible on the first address line.  This can be "2nd house on right past the water tower" if the local post office will deliver mail this way. 
    Review Memorandum IM-#147, dated October 11, 2000, which discusses the address cleansing process.  Report No. FAMC8031-01, "FAMIS FOOD STAMP CONVERSION ADDRESS ERRORS REPORT FOR COUNTY" will be sent to each county sixty days prior to conversion.
  • Make sure all data entered in the Legacy System is complete and correct on a food stamp case. 
    Missing information, incomplete information, or inconsistent information entered in LEGACY may cause a case to not be converted.

    For example, check the METP and work requirement information for correctness.  Inconsistent categorical eligibility or immigrant status can also cause a case not to completely convert.  Make sure auto approvals contain all necessary data when removing the "T" code.

  • Combine multiple cases at one residential address into one caseload.
If there is more than one food stamp case at a residential address, they must be assigned to the same caseworker number and caseload to minimize the steps involved in combining the cases into a supercase.
    If there are multiple cases at one residential address, the first case selected for conversion may be automatically converted and assigned a Supercase number.  Any other case at the same residence will not be converted and will be placed on the manual conversion list.  If the same worker has all the cases, it is easier to determine the correct Supercase number to attach the case to.
  • Review this memorandum with all county staff.
  • Take the actions described in this memorandum to assist with the conversion to FAMIS.
Distribution #6

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