2004 Memorandums
IM-50      05/26/04
Effective immediately, an initial food stamp application may be rejected for the first month while approving subsequent months if pending verification affects only the 1st month. If pending verification is not provided in the application month, and the 30th day falls in the second month, the first month's benefits can be rejected and subsequent months approved:
  • if the EU indicates they cannot, or do not choose to, provide pending verification for an individual who has left the home.

    Example 1: Mary Smothers applies for food stamp benefits April 12, 2004, for herself and her husband, James. James works at Shoneys. The months of April, May, and June have a PEND status for outstanding verification of James' income. On May 5, 2004, Mary reports James moved out of the home on April 23 and she cannot obtain verification of his income. Mary voluntarily requests to have her application for April rejected. The application can then be approved for May 2004 ongoing.

  • if the EU indicates they cannot, or do not choose to, provide pending verification that does not apply to subsequent months.

    Example 2: Margaret Lewis applies for food stamp benefits April 12, 2004 for herself and her bother, John. John is subject to work registration and ended employment in April 2004. The application is pending for the last pay stub received in April. On May 3, Margaret reports John has new employment and provides a statement from the employer. She voluntarily requests her application for April be rejected as John does not want to provide the last pay stub or ask the employer for the information. The application can then be approved for May 2004 ongoing because the previous employment does not apply to subsequent months.

To authorize the rejection for the first month:
If an individual left the EU during the month of application begin here:
  • On the Supercase Resident Maintenance (FM0L) screen, type “U” on the Command line, select the individual who has left the supercase, type the date the individual left the home under End Date, enter the verification, and press Enter. The message " Ended Supercase Resident who is in App status, Review App Detail" appears. Do not go to App detail.
  • Type “EDRES” on the Command line and press Enter. The Eligibility Determination Resolution screen displays.
  • Press F14=REQED. The Supercase Eligibility Unit Summary (FM30) screen displays. The first month eligibility determination is PEND and the second and third month are PASS.
  • Press F18=SELAUTH. The Select Authorization (FM3G) screen displays. Continue with the next bullet.
If the first month is being rejected because an outstanding verification does not apply to subsequent months, after requesting the eligibility determination begin here:
  • Select the first month and Press F14=AUTH. The first month of the authorizations displays. The Action will be "APPR" with Action Status of "PEND".
  • Type “U” on the Command line. Change the Action to “WIRJ”. Type or prompt for the reason “VOW” and type or prompt for the override reason “SUP”.
  • Press Enter. The message “Successfully UPDATED” appears.
  • Press F18=COMMENT, and record the decision to reject the first month.
  • Press F24=NEXTSEL until the message "Selection List Complete" appears. F23=AUTH is displayed.
  • Press F23=AUTH to authorize all of the actions. The message "The action was authorized" appears.
The user guide “WORKER INITIATED REJECTION” is revised to include the process for rejecting the first month of an initial application if
  • the EU indicates they cannot, or do not choose to, provide pending verification for an individual who has left the home, or
  • the EU indicates they cannot, or do not choose to, provide pending verification that does not apply to subsequent months.
  • Review this memorandum with appropriate staff.
  • Update the Action Authorization to WIRJ when the first month of the initial application is rejected because an individual with outstanding verification has moved out of the EU, or because outstanding verification does not apply to subsequent months, and the EU cannot or does not wish to provide the outstanding verification.