0815.030.10 Determining Total Allowable Deductions

0815. Allotments for Minors and Dependents Living With the Community Spouse

IM-145 September 24, 2019; IM-47 August 6, 2018; IM-67 June 15, 2017; IM-38 June 20, 2016; IM-53 June 22, 2015; IM-34 June 24, 2014; IM-55 June 7, 2013; IM-49 June 11, 2012; IM-33 March 29, 2012; IM-31 June 21, 2011; IM-29 April 8, 2010; IM-38 June 11, 2009; IM-102 December 3, 2008

In determining an allotment for a minor child, dependent child, dependent parent or dependent sibling who lives with the community spouse, use the Minimum Maintenance Standard. Do not deem the income of the parent or any other person who lives in the home.

Allow these allotments after any allotment to the community spouse.

Each dependent’s allotment is determined using the following process:

  1. Determine the minor’s or dependent’s total gross income. Consider as income that which would be counted for an applicant or recipient of the MHABD program. Exclude any income that is not considered for the MHABD program.
  2. Deduct the minor’s or dependent’s income from the Minimum Maintenance Standard. Allow no standard or earned income deductions from his/her income.
  3. Divide the remainder by three (3). Round to the nearest penny, using normal rounding procedures.

Allow the allotment amount as a deduction regardless of whether the institutionalized spouse makes it available to the minor or dependent.

Refer to Appendix B – Maintenance Standards for Allotments for the current Maintenance Needs standards.

EXAMPLE (using 2018 standards): Mr. Franks is a resident of a vendor nursing facility. He applies for vendor benefits. Mrs. Franks and their child, age 16, reside in the couple’s home in the community. The child receives monthly Social Security of $157.00.

Minimum Maintenance Standard:


Minus child’s income:




Divided by 3:

 $633.66 = allotment to child

In determining Mr. Franks’ surplus, allow the amount of the child’s allotment as a deduction (after any allotment for Mrs. Franks).

EXAMPLE (using 2018 standards): Mr. Stark is a resident of a vendor nursing facility. He applies for vendor benefits. Mrs. Stark and their in-common child, Ben, age 16, live in the couple’s home in the community. Also in the home is Mrs. Stark’s 30-year-old disabled child, Stan. Mrs. Stark claims Stan as a dependent for income tax purposes. Ben receives Social Security of $202.00 per month. Stan receives SSI of $607.00.

Minimum Maintenance Standard:


Minus Ben’s income:




Divided by 3:

$618.66 = allotment to Ben

Minimum Maintenance Standard:


Minus Stan’s Income:




Divided by 3:

$483.66 = allotment to Stan

In determining Mr. Stark’s surplus allow the amount of each these allotments as a deduction on the Adult MO HealthNet Vendor Budget (after any allotment for Mrs. Stark).

Enter dependent’s allotment information on the (FMJ6 or ALLOT) screen in FAMIS. The dependents must be included in the.

For more information on entering allotments in FAMIS, refer to the Allotments user guide.

NOTE: Budget the amount of the actual allotment as unearned income on any IM or Food Stamp budget for dependents.