Department of Social Services
Family Support Division
PO Box 2320
Jefferson City, Missouri






Effective May 1, 2023, the following changes to the Child Care (CC) policy will take effect:

  • Job search is a valid need at application.
  • CC interviews can be waived in most circumstances.
  • Participant’s statement is acceptable for units of care unless questionable.
  • Only the needs of the applicant must be verified when determining eligibility for two-parent households.

Note: These changes are not retroactive and only apply to change in circumstance or applications processed on or after May 1, 2023.


Job Search will be considered as a valid need at application:

At the time of application, job search can be used if the applicant has no other qualifying activity. Use the new code JSP (Job Search at application) on the Child Care Needs (CCNEED/FMAC) in FAMIS. JSP can only be used for a part-time authorization, and is only allowed for a maximum of 90 days and cannot be used for consecutive applications (see examples in chart below). Collateral Contact must be used to verify CCNEED or the application will pend incorrectly.

End date the JSP need on the last day of the month in which the ninetieth (90)-calendar day falls. If the applicant has not found another qualifying activity by the end of 90 days, the child care subsidy will be closed. Eligibility based on job search at application can be regained 14 months from the start date of the last certification period claiming job search as the need.

Application date Start date End date  Regains Eligibility
January 13 January 13 April 30 March 1 of the next calendar year
April 24 April 24 July 31 June 1 of the next calendar year
September 18 September 18 December 31 November 1 of the next calendar year


Child Care interviews are waived in most circumstances:

Most households are not required to have an interview. An interview is only required if there is not enough information received to take an application through the FAMIS flow or if the information received is questionable and cannot be acquired or verified utilizing other resources.

Other resources may include:

  • Verification received for other programs and consistent with the participant’s statement,
  • Information in the case record that is consistent with the participant’s statement,
  • Equifax, also known as The Work Number (TWN),
    • Please follow all applicable rules regarding access for CC only applications prior to accessing TWN.
  • IIVE, or
  • IMES.

When taking the application through the FAMIS flow staff must make every effort to review the household’s circumstances through available electronic resources prior to contacting the household. After all efforts to get or clarify information have been used, a Request for Contact (FA-331) is sent to the household and comments made in FAMIS supporting the decision to require an interview. Staff should continue to request verification necessary to support their eligibility decision.

Participant’s statement for units of care is accepted unless questionable:

When income verification and/or other supporting documents provided are consistent, participant’s statement is acceptable to authorize units of care. A schedule only needs to be requested when staff have information that is questionable. Contact the participant to clarify units of care when necessary.

Note: Do not delay approving a CC case if verification is needed for units of care. Units of care authorizations are separate from eligibility determination.

Two-parent households:

The applicant must be engaged in a qualifying activity but the existence and/or verification of a valid need for the second parent is not required. The same qualifying activity verified for the applicant is entered into FAMIS for the second parent. A comment is made on the second parent’s CCNEED screen noting the entries are the same as the applying parent’s since verification of need is not required for the second parent.



  • Review this memorandum with appropriate staff.



