1115.035.00 Income Deductions

1115.035.25.25 Special Situations

IM-71 August 31, 2023; IM-143 September 16, 2019; IM-33 June 24, 2014; IM-47 April 25, 2006; IM-124 October 21, 2005; IM-150 November 14, 2003; IM-125 September 19, 2003; IM-33 March 3, 2003; IM-208 December 4, 2001; IM-01 January 15, 1999

Use the following policy for households with special circumstances.

  • When more than one household shares the same living quarters and shares one or more of the utility costs that are billed separately from rent or mortgage payments, each SNAP household is entitled to the full appropriate utility standard(s) if otherwise eligible.
  • When a specific portion of rent is claimed to be used for utilities, even if not billed separately, each SNAP household is entitled to the full appropriate utility standard(s) if otherwise eligible. An itemized statement is required to verify the amount toward rent and the amount toward the utility.
    • In this situation, when budgeting rent and utilities, subtract the amount budgeted to utilities from the rent amount.
  • When 2 or more families share a meter but have separate living quarters and the utility bill is addressed to only 1 family, accept the unaddressed household’s statement of liability for the expense unless it is questionable, and allow the full appropriate utility standard if otherwise eligible.
  • Households residing in public housing with shared meters that are only charged for excess utility costs during the cooling season or heating season are entitled to the SUA each month of the year.

Example: An elderly individual resides in a senior citizen housing complex. Utilities are included in the rent, but the individual is billed $10 per month for excess cooling costs in June, July, and August for the use of an air conditioner. Allow the SUA during the entire certification period.

  • The SUA is used when a household that lives in rented housing is billed monthly by the landlord for:
    • actual utility usage for heating or cooling as determined through individual metering or a utility company bill; or
    • a flat rate for heating or cooling expense separate from the rent.
  • Renters and homeowners living in the same residence with separate households are each entitled to the full SUA if they receive energy assistance at this address.
  • Compute shelter costs the household incurs, even if a boarder contributes to the household for part of the household’s shelter expenses, to determine if the household receives a shelter deduction. However, the shelter costs do not include any shelter expenses directly paid by the boarder to a third party, such as the landlord or utility company.
  • Households with members who are ineligible for the SNAP Program due to the following reasons are eligible for the entire SUA, NHCS, LUA and/or telephone standard if the household is entitled to the standard:
    • failure to apply for or refusal to provide an SSN
    • ineligible immigrant status
    • not meeting the ABAWD work requirement
    • failure to comply with a required action in a means-tested program
    • work requirement sanctions
    • felony drug conviction disqualification
    • probation or parole violation disqualification
    • fleeing felon disqualification
    • trafficking disqualification
    • certain criminal convictions disqualification, or
    • intentional program violation disqualification
  • If a household’s only income is excluded educational income, excluded reimbursement, or excluded vendor payment, any expense covered by that income is not deductible. Refer to 1115.035.01 Disallowed Expenses.