IM-118 November 16, 2021; IM-105 October 8, 2021; IM-60 September 26, 2011; IM-62 August 12, 2008; IM-54 July 22, 2008
When Family Support Division (FSD) staff have finished conducting business with a participant, the voter registration form will be given to the staff member designated to handle the completed forms.
This staff person will log all voter registration applications/declinations received in ITrackRS by recording the date, individual’s name, date of birth, and whether the individual marked yes; no; no, already registered; or declined to declare (refer to 2100.020.20 ITrackRS Log).
If the individual marked “yes” and completed the application for voter registration, staff will make a copy of the voter registration application. Completed voter registration applications returned to the FSD location after the visit will also be copied and logged prior to submission to the local election authority.
Keep all declination forms and copies of all completed voter registration application forms or VR-100 or MO-231-0167 forms in a central file organized by month received.
NOTE: Do not file the voter registration application or declination form in a participant’s case file.
Create subfolders in the central county/location file for copies of any corrective action letters and copies of the Missouri Voter Registration Application form that are mailed to individuals organized by month sent (see 2100.040.00 Corrective Action Requirement). All declination forms and copies of all completed voter registration application forms or VR-100 or MO-231-0167 forms currently in FSD location files and all declination forms and copies of all completed voter registration application forms or VR-100 or MO-231-0167 forms that will be received or created prior to June 25, 2013 must be retained until June 26, 2015. Declination forms, voter registration forms or VR-100 or MO-231-0167 forms received or created on or after June 26, 2013, shall be retained for 24 months after they were created or received. Declination forms, voter registration forms or VR-100 or MO-231-0167 forms may be destroyed thereafter following departmental policy for destruction of records containing sensitive or confidential information.
Refer to 2100.050.00 Transmission of Completed Forms for more information.