IM-108 December 26, 2012; IM-21 March 14, 2012; IM-62 October 18, 2011; IM-50 June 4, 2007; IM-27 March 19, 2004
After investigating all eligibility factors for initial applications or non-timely reapplications, take one of the following actions.
- Authorize the APEX (approval for expedite) action for an initial application eligible to receive expedited services with a postponed interview, as soon as the application is processed to the Expedited Summary (FM48) screen and identity is verified. If the application is in RTA status and is not authorized by the worker, FAMIS authorizes the action and issues the expedited benefit. The EU must be allowed to participate, benefits must be available and the EU must have received the EBT card by the seventh calendar day (including weekends and holidays) following the date the EU is determined eligible for expedited service (see 1125.000.00 Expedited Service).
- Authorize a non-expedited initial application as soon as possible, but not later than the due date appearing on the Application Request (FM0G) screen in FAMIS if all verification is received and the EU is determined eligible for Food Stamp benefits. Two days mail time for sending the EBT card is built into the due date. This allows for EU participation by the 30th day after the application is filed. If the application is in RTA status and is not authorized by the worker, FAMIS authorizes the case in five business days unless the due date has passed and it authorizes the rejection that night.
- Authorize the rejection action if the EU is not eligible for benefits, as soon as possible, but not later than the due date appearing on the Application Request (FM0G) screen in FAMIS. If the rejection action is in RTA status and is not authorized by the worker, FAMIS authorizes the rejection in five business days, unless the due date has passed and it authorizes the rejection that night.
- Authorize the rejection action on the 30th day following application if the EU fails to provide verification as requested, fails to complete an interview, or fails to take another required action. FAMIS authorizes the rejection the night of the 30th day if the 30th day is a business day, for applications in which the verification is not provided or a required action that can be recognized by FAMIS is not taken, as long as the controlled flow is complete and the EU was given 10 days to provide or comply. If the 30th day is a weekend or a holiday, FAMIS authorizes the rejection the night of the first business day following the 30th day. The worker authorizes the rejection 30th day if the 30th day is a business day using the worker-initiated rejection (WIRJ) action for applications in which the interview is not completed or another required action that is not recognized by FAMIS is not taken. If the 30th day is a weekend or a holiday, authorize the rejection the first business day following the 30th day. Refer to the Worker Initiated Rejection user guide for instructions.
- FAMIS sends the EU an FA-335 Notice of Missed Interview, the day after the date of the scheduled interview, and notifies the EU that they must reschedule the interview. If the interview is not completed FAMIS rejects the application the 30th day if the 30th day is a business. If the 30th day is a weekend or a holiday, FAMIS rejects the application the first business day following the 30th day.
- FAMIS issues an FA-150 Action Notice to the EU of approval/benefit availability or rejection (see 1130.040.00 Notices).