IM-09 March 04, 2024; IM-131 October 14, 2022; IM-129 September 29, 2022; IM-114 August 1, 2022; IM-74 June 3, 2022 IM-102 October 1, 2021; IM-37 May 1, 2018; IM-20 February 9, 2018; IM-51 October 3, 2014; IM-32 June 16, 2014; IM-52 May 30, 2013; IM-36 April 22, 2010; IM-14 January 23, 2003
All households must have a SNAP Mid-Certification Review (MCR).
- When elderly or disabled households (see 1100.010.00 Definitions) are certified for 24 months, the MCR is due in the 12th month following the first month of certification (MCR Month).
- Households certified for 12 months have a MCR due in the 6th month following the first month of certification (MCR Month).
The MCR form asks the household to report the following:
- If anyone has moved in or out of the household
- If anyone has started, stopped, or changed jobs
- If a household member who must comply with the ABAWD work requirement hours worked or spent in an approved training program have been reduced to less than 20 hours per week (80 hours averaged per month)
- If earned income has changed by $125
- If unearned income has changed by $125
- If the household’s resources exceed $2750 ($4250 for elderly/disabled households)
- If the household’s address has changed, and any changes in shelter expenses resulting from the address change
- If there is a change in child support obligation
- If the household has received lottery or gambling winnings of $4250 or more (the threshold for reporting lottery/gambling winnings is based on the resource maximum of elderly/disabled SNAP households; see 1110.005.00 Maximum Resources Allowed)
- If the household has additional expenses they would like to report
Any changes reported on the MCR form are acted upon when completing the MCR.
A MCR form is generated by the eligibility system on the 5th day of the month prior to the MCR month. The MCR form is due back from the household the last day of the month prior to the MCR month. If the household has not returned the MCR by the last day of the month prior to the MCR month, an informational notice will be sent to the household on the first day of the MCR month reminding them that the MCR form should be returned.
The reminder notice will inform the household to return the form within 10 calendar days from the date the notice was mailed. If the form is still not received from the household and an audit date is not entered in the eligibility system at the close of business on the 10th calendar day, an adverse action notice will be sent to the household for closure of the case for failure to return the MCR form.
Example: Ms. Jones’ SNAP certification is July 2021 – June 2022. The MCR month is December 2021. The eligibility system sends the household an MCR form on November 5, 2021. The MCR form is due back from the household before November 30, 2021.
If Ms. Jones’ completed and signed MCR form has not been received and an audit date not entered in the eligibility system on or before November 30, 2021, an informational notice letter will be mailed to the household on December 1, 2021, reminding Ms. Jones that the MCR form is due back on or before December 10, 2021. If Ms. Jones still doesn’t return the MCR form completed and signed by December 10, 2021, an adverse action notice will be generated to close the case on December 21, 2021.
Mid-Certification Reviews may be initiated by staff when the eligibility system cannot generate the MCR form because of timing. Cases that are in closed status on the 5th of the month, and are cancel closed in the month prior to the MCR month require staff to initiate the MCR process. The same mid-certification review procedures apply.
Example: Ms. Jones’ SNAP certification is June 2019 – May 2020. The MCR month is November 2019. The household’s case is closed on October 2nd, but is cancel closed on October 7th. Because the case was in closed status, the MCR form is not sent on the 5th of October. Staff must generate the MCR form when the case is cancel closed. The MCR form is due back from the household before November 31, 2019.
To create a review, go to the TA/MA/SNAP Review History screen in the eligibility system, prompt for SNAP program and select option to add reinvestigation. The message, “REIN Created, Notice Scheduled for Printing” displays at the bottom of the screen.
Note: Reviews created by staff online can be deleted on the same day the review is created as long as no factors have been reviewed. Enter “D” on the command line and press enter to delete. After the date of creation has passed the review must be completed and cannot be deleted.
The MCR form is not to be used in place of the Request for Contact. When a household’s circumstances are in question or information is received that requires additional clarification, contact the household. If the household cannot be reached by telephone, send a Request for Contact to the household requesting contact.
To be considered returned, the MCR form must be completed with all questions answered and signed by the participant, an adult member of the household, or an authorized representative. Enter the date the completed MCR form is received in the eligibility system.
Note: All incomplete and/or unsigned review forms will be returned to the participant for completion or signature using the Mid-Certification Review Request (IM-2MCR) and allow the household 10 days to return the form. Incomplete and/or unsigned review forms must not be marked as received or entered into the eligibility system until they have been completed.
Complete all MCR review factors in the eligibility system when the MCR form is returned. Print and review IMES for any individual age 16 or over. Review IIVE for all household members. Manually access and update the Training/Work Requirement screen in the eligibility system for mid-certification reviews. When all factors have been reviewed and the MCR status is showing complete in the eligibility system, initiate a final eligibility determination and authorize the action.
Follow current verification procedures for reported changes. Once the reinvestigation has been processed, the eligibility system creates outstanding verification and generates the Request for Information form which is mailed to the participant. If additional information and/or verification regarding the Request for Information is not provided, the eligibility system generates an adverse action notice for failure to provide requested information.
Refer to FAMIS Resources for assistance in completing the review.
A SNAP add-a-person application will systematically complete all of the eligibility factors required for an MCR. The eligibility system completes the MCR when the action is authorized and assigns the household a new review date.
Example: Ms. Jones’ SNAP certification is July 2021 – June 2022. The MCR month is December 2021. The MCR form is generated on November 5, 2021. The MCR form is due back from the household before November 30, 2021. On November 15, 2021, the household reports a new member and the add-a-person application is authorized on November 16, 2021. This completes the MCR.
A SNAP recertification will systematically complete all of the factors required for an MCR once the application is authorized in the eligibility system.
Example: Ms. Jones’ SNAP certification is June 2021 – May 2023. In October 2022, earned income is added to a current member. The certification does not change, but an MCR is due six months later due to the addition of earned income, April 2023, which is just one month before the certification ends (changing the MCR is discussed in the next section). The MCR form is generated March 5, 2023. The household comes to the office to discuss the MCR. Since it is less than 60 days from the end of the certification, staff have the household complete an application for SNAP benefits, completes the interview for the recertification, and authorizes the action. Completing the recertification also completes the MCR.
When the household is closed for failure to return the MCR form, cancel close the household if the form is received before the end of the MCR month (or within the timeframe given to the household if an incomplete or unsigned MCR was returned to a participant). Benefits are not prorated.
Example: A household with earned income certified June 2021 through May 2022. The MCR form is mailed October 5, 2021. The MCR form is not received by October 31. The Information Notice letter is sent November 1, 2021. The MCR form is still not received 10 days later. The adverse action notice is sent on November 12, 2021 and case is closed November 22nd. The MCR form is received November 25, 2021. Cancel close this household and enter the audit date on the Review Audit Detail screen. The eligibility system issues a full month’s benefit for November.
If the MCR form is not received before the end of the MCR month, the household must reapply for SNAP benefits.