1805.000.00 Eligibility and Verification

1805.030.05 Income Evidence

IM-61 November 12, 2024; IM-20 April 1, 2024; IM-30 April 3, 2023; IM-89 June 27, 2022; IM-14 March 8, 2021; IM-169 December 2, 2019; IM-96 July 13, 2017; IM-17 February 21, 2017; IM-97 November 9, 2015

Countable self-attested income must be confirmed or verified by utilizing the methods below; see 1805.030.20.05 Income Included Under MAGI.

Reasonable Compatibility

Reasonable Compatibility (RC) is applied to electronic data sources and the self-attested income to determine if additional verification is needed; see 1805.030.15 Reasonable Compatibility.

Electronic Data Sources

Federal regulations require FSD to attempt to confirm the self-attested income using available EOI from all applicable electronic data sources in conjunction with reasonable compatibility (RC) to determine if additional clarification on the self-attested income is needed from the participant.

Available electronic data sources include, but are not limited to the following:

  • the Federal Data Hub, also known as the hub
  • Verification received for other FSD programs
  • Verification of Earnings (VOE)
  • IIVE from Social Security Administration
  • IMES* or information from Department of Labor and Industrial Relations (DOLIR)

*IMES provides state level information from Department of Labor and Industrial Relations (DOLIR). IMES is required in the electronic case record if it is accessed to review income information, and it reflects something other than “no data”. An IMES is considered to contain “no data” when the IMES:

  • is completely blank; or
  • has no earned income data for the last 12 months, and displays no unemployment compensation received for the last 12 months

When IMES displays “no data”, document in the eligibility system the date the IMES was viewed and why the IMES was not considered useful in an income determination.

Refer to the Electronic Verification System (EVS) Manual for information on electronic data sources.

Employer or Income Source Discrepancies

Update the name of the employer when the participant reports a change in employers. If the self-attested name of the employer does not match the employer’s name from the EOI do not request additional information. RC compares the income amounts, not the name of the employer.

Zero Income

Confirm income of participants or households attesting zero income if EOI reflects eligibility in a different threshold. 

When zero income is self-attested and:

  • the electronic data source shows zero income:
    • Their attestation is reasonably compatible, no further clarification is needed.
  • the electronic data source shows income:
    • Determine if their attestation of zero income and EOI result in eligibility in the same threshold. If so, the amounts are RC; accept their attestation of zero income. 
    • If their statement of zero income and EOI result in eligibility in different thresholds, contact the participant for clarification. If the participant clarifies when the income ended and they did not receive income during a month their household is requesting coverage, accept their statement of zero income. If they report their income has ended but they did receive income in a month they are requesting coverage, update the system with the new information. Determine if their explanation is reasonable based on the information available. If so, verify the income.
    • If more information is needed to determine eligibility, send a Request for Information specifically asking for clarification of the income discrepancy and verification of income received during the application timeframe.

Note: Quarterly wage information from IMES may not be current enough to cause a participant’s statement of zero income to be questionable. Clarification should only be requested if eligibility is impacted.

When wages are attested, and the electronic data source shows zero or no income:

  • Request verification of income. Reasonable compatibility cannot be determined without EOI.

Income Verification

Paystubs and Award Letters

Request enough income verification to accurately reflect a projection of ongoing income. The most recent 30 days of income verification is often sufficient. Request more documentation if a longer period will provide a more accurate average. Seasonal occupations, medical leave, or fluctuating hours may result in a need for more income verification.

Income verification may include, but is not limited to:

  • paystubs, such as from a job or unemployment compensation
  • award letters for the current pay period
  • bank statements to verify current interest

When the participant provides current pay verification, whether with an application or in response to a request for information, the pay verification functions in 2 ways. Use the verification to:

  1. update the self-attested income amount(s)
  2. verify the updated self-attested income amount

Self-Employment and Farm Income

Verification of self-employment or farm income is required in rare circumstances when the self-attested income amount is questionable. See 1805.030.15 Reasonable Compatibility for more. If self-employment or farm income is questionable, request verification. To verify self-employment or farm income, request taxes, along with all schedules, for the previous tax year. If the participant has not filed taxes, request the last 3 months of business ledgers or enough business ledgers to adequately project an amount of self-employment income for 12 months. Use the verification to budget the amount of income remaining after all allowable self-employment or farm expenses are deducted from gross income.