0815.030.10 Determining Total Allowable Deductions

0815. Determining the Allotment to the Community Spouse

IM-129 September 29, 2022; IM-102 October 1, 2021; IM-144 October 1, 2020; IM-143 September 16, 2020; IM-149 September 27, 2019; IM-145 September 24, 2019; IM-68 December 10, 2018; IM-47 August 6, 2018; IM-161 December 21, 2017; IM-117 September 8, 2017; IM-67 June 15, 2017; IM-01 January 4, 2017; IM-38 June 20, 2016; IM-53 June 22, 2015; IM-05 January 15, 2015; IM-34 June 24, 2014; IM-12 March 19, 2014; IM-115 December 13, 2013; IM-55 June 7, 2013; IM-112 December 28, 2012; IM-49 June 11, 2012; IM-33 March 29, 2012; IM-31 June 21, 2011; IM-29 April 8, 2010; IM-38 June 11, 2009; IM-102 December 3, 2008

The institutionalized spouse can elect to make the maximum allotment or an amount less than the maximum allotment available to the community spouse. For the maximum allotment to be allowed as a deduction, the institutionalized spouse must agree to make the maximum allotment available to his/her spouse.

  1. Review or enter the community spouse’s total gross income. All income sources and exemptions for MHABD apply (see 0805.015.00 Financial Need).
  2. The community spouse’s shelter expenses above the shelter standard (excess shelter) are considered when determining the allotment.

Allowable expenses are:

  1. mortgage payments
  2. real estate taxes
  3. homeowner’s insurance
  4. rent
  5. any maintenance fee for a condominium or cooperative apartment
  6. utilities
    1. The current utility standard for the SNAP Program if the community spouse is responsible for any utility expense except telephone. The expense need not be a major heating/cooling expense to qualify for the utility standard.
    2. If telephone expense is the only utility the community spouse is responsible for, use the SNAP telephone standard.

The institutionalized spouse may indicate s/he wishes to make the maximum allotment available to the community spouse, or may choose a lower amount.

Refer to Appendix B – Maintenance Standards for Allotments for the current Maintenance Needs standards.

EXAMPLE (using 2018 standards): Mrs. Smith is a resident in a nursing facility. She applies for vendor benefits. Mr. Smith, her spouse, still lives in their home in the community. Ms. Smith has income of $2000 per month. Mr. Smith has income of $1200 per month. His house payment, including taxes and insurance is $950 per month. He provides verification that he pays utility expenses for heat. Ms. Smith will make available to Mr. Smith the maximum income amount allowed.

Total Shelter Expense: $1321 ($950 + $371 utility standard)
Minus Shelter Standard: $617
Excess Shelter Expense: $704
Minimum Maintenance Standard: $2058
Plus Excess Shelter Expense: $704
Total Maintenance Standard: $2762 (< Maximum of $3090)
Minus Mr. Smith’s Income: $1200
Allotment Amount: $1562

NOTE: Budget the allotment as unearned income on any IM or SNAP budget for Mr. Smith.

If the institutionalized spouse wishes to make the maximum allotment available but does not have sufficient income, the full amount of the maximum allotment must still be allowed as a deduction.

The amount of the actual allotment is calculated by subtracting the personal needs allowance and the SMI premium (if any) from the institutionalized spouse’s income.

EXAMPLE (using 2018 standards):  Mr. Jones is a resident in a nursing facility. He applies for vendor benefits. Mrs. Jones, his spouse, still lives in their home in the community. Mr. Jones has income of $952.50 per month. He pays an SMI premium of $134 per month. Mrs. Jones has income of $603 per month. Her house payment, including taxes and insurance, is $473.50 per month. She provides verification that she pays utility expenses for heating. Mr. Jones will make available to Mrs. Jones as much of his income as the FSD will allow.

Total Shelter Expense: $844.50 ($473.50 + $371 utility standard)
Minus Shelter Standard: $617
Excess Shelter Expense: $227.50
Minimum Maintenance Standard: $2058
Plus Excess Shelter Expense: $227.50
Total Maintenance Standard: $2285.50 (< Maximum of $3090)
Minus Mrs. Jones’ Income: $603
Allotment Amount: $1682.50

Because Mr. Jones wished to make the maximum allotment available to his spouse, an allotment amount of $1682.50 is shown as a deduction from his income, even though the allotment exceeds his income of $952.50 per month. When entering the community spouse allotment (A2) on the income amount (FMX3) screen in FAMIS, enter the actual amount of the allotment.

Mr. Jones’ Income: $952.50
Minus Personal Needs Allowance: $ 50
Minus SMI Premium: $134.00
Actual Allotment: $768.50

NOTE:  Budget the amount of the actual allotment as unearned income on any IM or SNAP budget for Mrs. Jones.

For more information on entering allotments in FAMIS refer to the Allotments user guide in FAMIS Resources.