In 2011, the Summer Electronic Benefit for Children (SEBTC) demonstration project began in Missouri. SEBTC originally was piloted in the Kansas City area, but expanded to St. Louis City, Ferguson, Mississippi County, the Shannon County area, the New Madrid area, Carter County, and Ripley County over the next few years.
Memorandum IM-#90, dated 11/16/2012, and Memorandum IM-#103, dated 11/20/2013, provided project summaries for 2012 and 2013 project years. This memorandum provides the project summary for the SEBTC project in years 2015, 2016, and 2017. There was no SEBTC project in 2014 in Missouri.
In each year from 2015-2017, households received $45 in SEBTC benefits in June and July for each eligible child. The June benefits were a partial amount of $15 for May and a full amount of $30 for June. The July benefits were a full amount of $30 for July and a partial amount of $15 for August.
During 2015, the SEBTC project in Missouri included the children in the Kansas City and St. Louis areas that participated in 2013, if they remained eligible for benefits by attending school during the 2014-2015 school year in one of the participating districts, were still receiving free or reduced meals, and still resided in the project area. The Kansas City area school districts that participated did not change – Kansas City School District, Center School District, and Hickman Mills School District. The St. Louis Public School District in St. Louis City remained a participating school. Not all children in those districts received benefits. The program was expanded to include additional children in these areas, including siblings of the 2013 returning children and children who were randomly selected to participate.
The project was also expanded into Mississippi County. All children who attended school in the Charleston School District were eligible to receive the SEBTC benefit due to the district’s Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) status, as deemed by the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE). Schools with CEP status provide all children who attend with free lunches and breakfasts, regardless of income. Therefore all children were also eligible for SEBTC.
All children who attended school in the East Prairie School District and received free or reduced lunches were eligible to receive the SEBTC benefits.
In 2015:
- 12,703 children in 9,416 households received SEBTC benefits.
- In Kansas City, 5,084 children were served.
- In St. Louis, 5,885 children were served.
- In Mississippi County, 1,734 children were served.
- The total amount of benefits issued was $1,142,325.
- $1,073,893.21 was redeemed, for a 94% redemption rate.
In 2016, the SEBTC project in Missouri included the children in the Kansas City, St. Louis, and Mississippi County areas. In Kansas City and St. Louis areas, returning 2015 children who remain eligible, their newly eligible siblings, and children randomly selected to participate were eligible.
The project was also expanded into Mississippi County. All children who attended school in the Charleston School District were eligible to receive the SEBTC benefit due to the district’s Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) status, as deemed by the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE). Schools with CEP status provide all children who attend with free lunches and breakfasts, regardless of income. Therefore all children were also eligible for SEBTC.
In 2016:
- 16,983 children in 12,116 households received SEBTC benefits.
- In Kansas City, 5,667 children were served.
- In St. Louis, 5,971 children were served.
- In Mississippi County, 1,727 children were served.
- In Shannon County, 442 children were served.
- In Ferguson, 3,176 children were served.
- The total amount of benefits issued was $1,521,270.
- $1,446,165.59 was redeemed, for a 95.06% redemption rate.
In 2016:
- 12,703 children in 9,416 households received SEBTC benefits.
- In Kansas City, 5,084 children were served.
- In St. Louis, 5,885 children were served.
- In Mississippi County, 1,734 children were served.
- The total amount of benefits issued was $1,142,325.
- $1,073,893.21 was redeemed, for a 94% redemption rate.
The 2017 SEBTC project included the project areas from 2016, and expanded into the New Madrid area, Carter County, and Ripley County. Eligibility for each project area was determined as follows.
- Kansas City area – the children who received in 2016, and are still eligible, and their newly eligible siblings.
- St. Louis area – the children who received in 2016, and are still eligible, and their newly eligible siblings.
- Mississippi County – all children in the Charleston School District and all children who received free or reduced lunch in the East Prairie School District.
- Ferguson-Florissant – the project expanded in Ferguson to include all children who attended school in the Ferguson-Florissant School District and received Food Stamp benefits. The children did not have to live within Ferguson city limits.
- Ferguson-Florissant – the project expanded in Ferguson to include all children who attended school in the Ferguson-Florissant School District and received Food Stamp benefits. The children did not have to live within Ferguson city limits.
- Eminence School District
- Winona School District
- Summersville School District
- Mountain View – Birch Tree School District
- Southern Reynolds
- Bunker School District
- Oak Hills School District
- New Madrid County – the project expanded to New Madrid County and included the four school districts that serve that county. These districts are:
- Gideon School District
- Portageville School District
- New Madrid County School District
- Risco School District
- Carter County – the project expanded to Carter County to assist children impacted by the spring 2017 floods in the area, serving children in the Van Buren School District and East Carter County School District.
- Ripley County – the project expanded to Ripley County to assist children impacted by the spring 2017 floods in the area, serving children in these districts:
- Ripley County R-IV School District
- Ripley County R-III School District
- Doniphan School District
- Naylor School District
In 2017:
- 19,799 children in 11,024 households received SEBTC benefits.
- In Kansas City, 3,774 children were served.
- In St. Louis, 4,891 children were served.
- In Mississippi County, 1,751 children were served.
- In Shannon County, Carter County, and Ripley County 3,206 children were served.
- In Ferguson, 4,510 children were served.
- In New Madrid County, 1,667 children were served.
- The total amount of benefits issued was $1,775,926.50.
- $1,691,569.90 was redeemed, for a 95.25% redemption rate.
Plans are being developed for a 2018 project year; however USDA has not yet determined if there will be an SEBTC project in 2018.
- Review this memorandum with appropriate staff.