0800.000.00 MO HealthNet for the Aged, Blind, and Disabled obsolete
0800.000.05 Related Special Eligibility Groupsobsolete0800.005.00 Legal Basisobsolete
0803.000.00 Authorized Representative(s) for MO HealthNet
0803.020.00 Authorized Representative(s) for MO HealthNet
0804.000.00 Application Processing
- 0804.005.00 MHABD Application Timeframes
- 0804.010.00 Voluntary Withdrawal
- 0804.015.00 Rejection Before the End of the Timeframe
- 0804.020.00 Canceling a Rejection
- 0804.025.00 MO HealthNet Application Concurrent With MHABD Cash Programs
0805.000.00 Eligibility
- 0805.005.00 December 1973 Eligibility Requirements
0805.010.00 MA/GR Dual Eligibilityobsolete- 0805.015.00 Financial Need
- 0805.015.05 Persons Whose Income and Needs Are Considered
- 0805.015.10 Income Exclusions
- 0805.015.15 Overhead Expense of Producing Income
- 0805.015.20 Determination of Gross Earned Income
- 0805.015.25 Standard Deductions From Gross Earned Income
- 0805.015.30 Unearned Income
- 0805.015.35 Income Exemptions/Deductions
- 0805.015.40 Types of Need Determination
- 0805.015.45 Income Maximum
- 0805.020.00 MO HealthNet for Disabled Children (MHDC)
0810.000.00 MO HealthNet Coverage
- 0810.005.00 MO HealthNet Non-Spend Down Coverage
- 0810.010.00 MO HealthNet Spend Down Coverage
- 0810.010.05 Processing Spend Down MO HealthNet Cases
- 0810.010.10 Notification of Spend Down Amount
- 0810.010.15 Meeting Spend Down With Incurred Expenses
- 0810.010.15.01 Documentation of Incurred Medical Expenses
- 0810.010.15.02 Determining Patient Responsibility After Third Party Liability
- 0810.010.15.05 Allowable Medical Expenses for Spend Down
- 0810.010.15.10 Authorizing Spend Down Coverage Based on Incurred Expenses
- 0810.010.15.15 Preventing MO HealthNet Payment of Expenses Used to Meet Spend Down
- 0810. Allowable Third Party Payment From State-Funded Programs
- 0810. Identifying DMH Medical Services Allowable for Spend Down
- 0810. Identifying DHSS NME CDS Participants
- 0810. Verification of DMH Medical Expenses to Meet Spend Down
- 0810. Verification of DHSS Medical Expenses
- 0810.010.20 Spend Down Pay-In Option
- 0810.015.00 Prior Quarter (PQ) Coverage
- 0810.020.00 MO HealthNet Coverage End Date on Closings
- 0810.025.00 Eligibility for Buy-In (SMI Premium) for Medicare
- 0810.030.00 Healthy Children and Youth (HCY)
- 0810.035.00 Personal Care Program
- 0810.035.05 Legal Reference (Personal Care Services)
- 0810.035.10 Basic Eligibility Guidelines for Personal Care Services
- 0810.035.15 Eligibility Determination (Division of Senior and Disability Services-DSDS)
- 0810.035.20 Family Support Division Responsibilities
- 0810.035.25 MO HealthNet Division (MHD) Responsibilities
- 0810.035.30 Personal Care Service Provider Responsibilities
- 0810.040.00 The Respite Care Program (In-Home and Institutional)
- 0810.040.05 In-Home Respite Care
- 0810.040.10 Institutional Respite Care
- 0810.040.15 Basic Eligibility Guidelines for Respite Care
- 0810.040.20 Eligibility Determination (Division of Senior and Disability Services-DSDS)
- 0810.040.25 Family Support Division Responsibilities
- 0810.040.30 Respite Care Provider Responsibilities
- 0810.045.00 Pregnancy
0815.000.00 Vendor Eligibility
- 0815.000.05 Missouri Care Options
- 0815.000.10 Definitions for Vendor Coverage
- 0815.005.00 Eligibility for Vendor Payments
- 0815.010.00 Applications for Claimants Not Currently Receiving MO HealthNet
- 0815.015.00 Participant Currently Receiving MO HealthNet Enters a Vendor Placement
- 0815.020.00 Initial Assessment and Medical Certification
- 0815.025.00 Preadmission Screening for Entry Into Nursing Facilities
- 0815.030.00 Vendor Surplus Computation
- 0815.030.05 Determining Adjusted Gross Income
- 0815.030.10 Determining Total Allowable Deductions
- 0815.030.10.05 Personal Needs Allowance
- 0815.030.10.10 Allotments
- 0815. Maintenance Standards for Allotments
- 0815. Determining the Allotment to the Community Spouse
- 0815. Hearing Officer or Court of Law Sets Allotment Amount
- 0815. Allotments for Minors and Dependents Living With the Community Spouse
- 0815. Allotments for Minors Not Living With the Community Spouse
- 0815.030.10.15 Medical Deductions When Determining Surplus
- 0815.030.10.20 Other Deductions
- 0815.030.15 Effective Date of Surplus
- 0815.030.20 Changes in Surplus Amount
- 0815.035.00 Effective Date of Vendor Coverage for Claimants in a Nursing Facility
- 0815.035.05 Effective Date of Vendor Coverage for Applicant or Participant in a Nursing Facility When No Level II Screening Is Required
- 0815.035.10 Effective Date of Vendor Coverage for Applicant or Participant in a Nursing Facility When Level II Screening Is Required and the Applicant or Participant Is Not Found to Be MR, MI or DD
- 0815.035.15 Effective Date of Vendor Coverage for Applicant or Participant in a Nursing Facility When Level II Screening Is Required and the Applicant or Participant Is Found to Be MR, MI or DD
- 0815.040.00 Effective Date of Vendor Coverage for MHC or ICF/IID Level of Care
- 0815.045.00 Prior Quarter Vendor
- 0815.050.00 Claimant Not in Vendor Facility on the First Day of the Month of Application
- 0815.055.00 Inpatient Psychiatric Services for Individuals Under 21 Years of Age
- 0815.060.00 Applicants or Participants Between the Ages of 21 and 65 in State Mental Hospital
- 0815.065.00 Individuals Under Age 18 in an ICF/IID or NF
- 0815.070.00 Participant Leaves the Vendor Facility
- 0815.075.00 Claimant Moves From One Type of Vendor Facility to Another
- 0815.080.00 Entering a Vendor Case Into IMU5
- Appendix A – Accessing Vendor Numbers for Licensed Nursing Homes
- Appendix B – Maintenance Standards for Allotments
- Appendix C – JCAHO Facilities
- Appendix D – July 1996 Percentage of Need Standard
0820.000.00 Eligibility Based on Receipt of HCB Waiver Services
- 0820.010.00 Overview of Eligibility Criteria
- 0820.020.00 Application Process
- 0820.030.00 Eligibility Requirements
- 0820.035.00 HCB and Qualified Medicare Beneficiary (QMB) or Specified Low-Income Medicare Beneficiary (SLMB1)
- 0820.040.00 MO HealthNet Eligibility Date
- 0820.050.00 Entering an HCB Case Into IMU5
- Appendix E – HCB Income Maximums
0825.000.00 Eligibility Based on Receipt of Missouri’s Children With Developmental Disabilities (MOCDD) Waiver Services
- 0825.010.00 Overview of Eligibility Criteria
- 0825.020.00 Application Process
- 0825.030.00 Eligibility Requirements
- 0825.030.05 Age
- 0825.030.10 Social Security Number
- 0825.030.15 Citizenship
- 0825.030.20 Residence
- 0825.030.25 Disability
- 0825.030.30 Medical Need and Authorization for MOCDD Waiver Services
- 0825.030.35 Income and Budgeting
- 0825.030.40 Available Resources
- 0825.030.45 Transfer of Property
- 0825.030.50 MO HealthNet Eligibility Under Other Categories
- 0825.040.00 MO HealthNet Eligibility Date
0830.000.00 Program of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly (PACE) obsolete
0835.010.00 Canceling a Rejectionobsolete
0840.000.00 Annual Renewals and Change in Circumstance
- 0840.005.00 Annual Renewal
- 0840.010.00 Changes in Circumstances
- 0840.010.05 Adding a Spouse
- 0840.010.10 Non-Spend Down to Spend Down
0840.010.15 Spend Down to Non-Spend Down or MA-WD Non-premiumobsolete0840.010.20 Change to MA-WD Premiumobsolete- 0840.010.25 Increase in Spend Down Amount
- 0840.010.30 Decrease in Spend Down Amount
- 0840.010.35 Change in Coverage – Spend Down and Ticket to Work
- 0840.010.40 Participant Becomes Eligible for Medicare
- 0840.015.00 Closing of Cases
- 0840.020.00 Suspending Incarcerated Participants
- 0840.025.00 Returned Mail
0845.000.00 Location of Case Records
0850.000.00 Individuals Qualifying Under Section 1619 of the Social Security Act
- 0850.005.00 Eligibility Requirements for MO HealthNet Based on Section 1619 Status
0850.010.00 Case Processing Procedures Section 1619 Status Casesobsolete- 0850.015.00 Annual Renewal
- 0850.020.00 Individuals Losing SSA 1619 Status
0855.000.00 Ticket to Work Health Assurance (TWHA) Program
- 0855.005.00 Eligibility Requirements for Ticket to Work Health Assurance (TWHA) Program
- 0855.010.00 Case Processing Procedures (TWHA)
0855.010.05 Approval Noticeobsolete
- 0855.015.00 Annual Renewal
- 0855.020.00 TWHA Couple Cases
- 0855.025.00 HIPP
0860.000.00 Qualified Disabled Working Individuals (QDWI)
- 0860.005.00 Eligibility Requirements
- 0860.010.00 Application Processing (QDWI)
0865.000.00 Qualified Medicare Beneficiaries (QMB)
- 0865.005.00 Legal Basis
- 0865.010.00 Eligibility Requirements
- 0865.015.00 Benefits Available to QMB Recipients
- 0865.020.00 Application Processing (QMB)
- 0865.025.00 Annual Renewal
- 0865.030.00 Special Procedures for System Opening and Closing of QMB Cases
- 0865.035.00 QMB in Combination With MO HealthNet (MHN)
- 0865.035.05 Non-Spend Down May Become Spend Down When Adding QMB
- 0865.035.10 Special Procedures For QMB/Spend Down Combination Approvals
- 0865.035.15 Budgeting Procedure When MA and QMB Applications Are Approved in the Same Month
- 0865.035.20 Medical Expenses Allowed In QMB/Spend Down Budgeting
- 0865.035.25 QMB Benefits Guide
0870.000.00 Specified Low-Income Medicare Beneficiaries (SLMB1) and Qualifying Individuals (SLMB2)
- 0870.005.00 Legal Basis
- 0870.010.00 Eligibility Requirements
- 0870.015.00 Benefits Available to SLMB Recipients
- 0870.020.00 Application Processing (SLMB)
- 0870.025.00 Annual Renewal
- 0870.030.00 System Approvals and Closings of SLMB Cases
- 0870.030.05 SLMB Group 1 Is Approved for Another Type of Assistance
- 0870.030.10 SLMB Recipient Is Determined Ineligible at Approval of Another Type of Assistance
- 0870.030.15 QMB Recipient Is Determined SLMB Eligible at Approval for Another Type of Assistance
- 0870.030.20 SLMB Eligibility Continues, Other Type of Assistance Closes
- 0870.030.25 Both SLMB and Another Type of Assistance Close
- 0870.035.00 SLMB in Combination with MO HealthNet (MHN)
- 0870.040.00 QMB to SLMB Cases
- 0870.045.00 Effect of COLA Increases on SLMB Cases
0875.000.00 Former Foster Care Youth
0880.000.00 Cost Recovery
- 0880.005.00 Estate Recovery
- 0880.010.00 TEFRA Liens
- 0880.015.00 Voluntary Repayment
- 0880.020.00 Third Party Liability (TPL)