1100.000.00 Overview of the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)
1102.000.00 Verification
- 1102.005.00 Sources of Verification
- 1102.015.00 Verification Required at Initial Application
- 1102.015.05 Gross Income
- 1102.015.10 Immigrant Eligibility
- 1102.015.15 Medical Expenses
- 1102.015.20 Social Security Numbers
1102.015.25 Residencyobsolete- 1102.015.30 Identity Verification
- 1102.015.35 Disability
- 1102.015.40 Legal Obligation and Actual Child Support Payments
- 1102.015.45 Number of Hours Worked by Able Bodied Adults Without Dependents
- 1102.015.50 Questionable Information
- 1102.015.55 Income Maintenance and Employment Security Interface (IMES)
- 1102.015.60 Eligibility Unit Composition
- 1102.020.00 Verification Required at Recertification
- 1102.025.00 Verification Required for Reported Changes
1105.000.00 Non-financial Eligibility Requirements
- 1105.005.00 Residency
- 1105.010.00 Citizenship and Immigrant Status
- 1105.010.02 United States Non-citizen Nationals
- 1105.010.03 Cross-Border Native Americans
- 1105.010.04 Hmong, Laotian Highlanders
- 1105.010.05 Qualified Immigrants
- 1105.010.10 Eligible Immigrants
- 1105.010.10.05 Immigrants Who Have Resided in the US With a Qualified Status for Five Years
- 1105.010.10.07 Immigrant Children
- 1105.010.10.10 Disabled Immigrants
- 1105.010.10.15 Refugees, Amerasians, Asylees, Cuban/Haitian Entrants, and Deportees
- 1105.010.10.20 Non-citizens With a Military Connection
- 1105.010.10.25 Immigrants With 40 Qualifying Work Quarters Under SSA
- 1105.010.10.30 Immigrants Eligible Under the Trafficking Victims Protection Act of 2000
- 1105.010.10.35 Lawful Permanent Residents, Parolees, Granted Conditional Entry, and Battered Immigrants
- 1105.010.10.40 Immigrants From Micronesia, The Marshall Islands, or Palau
- 1105.010.10.45 Temporary Status
- 1105.010.10.50 Iraqi and Afghan Special Immigrants
- 1105.010.12 Verifying Immigrant Status
- 1105.010.15 Approval Pending Receipt of Immigrant Documentation
- 1105.010.17 Reporting Illegal Immigrants
- 1105.010.20 Sponsored Immigrants
- 1105.015.00 Eligibility Unit Determination
- 1105.015.04 Eligibility Unit Members
- 1105.015.05 Non-EU Members
- 1105.015.10 Ineligible Members Included in the Household
- 1105.015.10.05 Ineligible Immigrants
- 1105.015.10.10 Disqualified for Failure to Provide/Decline to Declare SSN
- 1105.015.10.15 Disqualified for Intentional Program Violations
- 1105.015.10.20 Disqualified for Failure to Comply With Work Registration Components: Job Quit, Reduced Work Hours, or Refusal of an Offer of Suitable Employment
- 1105.015.10.25 Failure to Meet the ABAWD Work Requirement
- 1105.015.10.30 Ineligible Students
- 1105.015.10.35 Disqualified for Felony Drug Conviction
- 1105.015.10.40 Disqualified for Probation/Parole Violation
- 1105.015.10.45 Disqualified for Fleeing Felon
- 1105.015.10.50 Disqualified for Trafficking Food Stamps
- 1105.015.10.55 Disqualified for Trading Food Stamp Benefits for Guns, Ammunitions, or Explosives
- 1105.015.10.60 Disqualified for Trading Food Stamp Benefits for Drugs
- 1105.015.10.65 Disqualification Due to Criminal Convictions/Non-compliance
- 1105.015.15 Duplicate Participation
- 1105.020.00 Identity
- 1105.025.00 Work Requirements
- 1105.025.05 Work Requirement Assessment
- 1105.025.05.05 Household Members Exempt From Work Registration
- 1105.025.05.10 Work Registration
- 1105.025.05.15 Household Members Excluded From Work Registration
- 1105.025.05.20 SkillUP – Missouri’s Employment & Training Program
- 1105.025.05.25 Voluntary Job Quit
- 1105.025.05.30 Work Effort Reduction
- 1105.025.05.35 Refused an Offer of Suitable Employment
- 1105.025.07 Exempt EU Members Volunteering for METP Participation
- 1105.025.10 Sanctions for Job Quit, Reduced Work Hours or Refusal of an Offer of Suitable Employment
- 1105.025.10.05 Determining Good Cause for Job Quit, Reduced Work Hours or Refusal of an Offer of Suitable Employment
- 1105.025.10.10 Resolving Noncompliance With Work Requirements
- 1105.025.10.15 Reapplication After Sanctioning for Job Quit, Reduced Hours Worked or Refusal to Accept an Offer of Suitable Employment
- 1105.025.12 DWD Determines Individual May Meet a Work Registration Exemption or Exclusion
- 1105.025.15 SkillUP Components
- 1105.025.20 Changes in Work Registration Status
- 1105.025.25 Work Related Expenses
- 1105.025.30 Work Registration Noncompliance
- 1105.025.30.15 Refuses, Without Good Cause, to Accept an Offer of Employment, Provided the Offer of Employment Meets the Suitability Criteria
- 1105.025.30.20 Refuses, Without Good Cause, to Provide Sufficient Information to Allow a Determination of His/Her Employment Status or Job Availability
- 1105.025.30.25 Fails to Comply With Temporary Assistance Work Requirements or Unemployment Compensation Requirements
- 1105.025.30.30 Voluntary Job Quit
- 1105.025.30.35 Work Effort Reduction
- 1105.025.35 Determining Good Cause for Work Registration Components
- 1105.025.40 Work Registration (METP) – Suitable Employment
- 1105.025.45 Work Registration Conciliation Period
- 1105.025.50 Resolving Noncompliance With Work Registration
- 1105.025.50.05 Exemption or Exclusion From Work Registration
- 1105.025.50.10 Registering for Work
- 1105.025.50.15 Participating in an Employment and Training Program
- 1105.025.50.20 Providing Sufficient Information to Determine Employment Status or Job Availability
- 1105.025.50.25 Complying With Temporary Assistance Work Requirement or Unemployment Compensation Requirements
- 1105.025.50.30 Going to Work
- 1105.025.50.35 Increasing the Number of Hours Worked
- 1105.025.55 Work Registration (METP) Noncompliance Sanctions
- 1105.025.60 Applying Voluntary Quit Decision
- 1105.025.65 Claims Due to Voluntary Job Quit
- 1105.025.70 Work Registration for Strikers
- 1105.025.75 Reapplication After Sanctioning for Work Registration (METP)
- 1105.025.05 Work Requirement Assessment
- 1105.030.00 Overlapping Disqualification
- 1105.032.00 Notices
- 1105.035.00 Able Bodied Adults Without Dependents (ABAWD) Work Requirements
- 1105.035.05 Counties Waived From the ABAWD Work Requirement
- 1105.035.15 Exemptions to Able Bodied Adults Without Dependents Training/Work Requirement and Verification
- 1105.035.20 ABAWD Training/Work Requirements
- 1105.035.25 Definition of Work and Training
- 1105.035.30 Evaluating Months for ABAWD Training/Work Requirement
- 1105.035.35 Identifying and Tracking Non-work Months
- 1105.035.40 Regaining SNAP Eligibility
- 1105.035.45 After Regaining Eligibility
- 1105.035.50 Notices
1105.037.00 Noticesobsolete- 1105.040.00 Social Security Numbers
- 1105.040.05 Providing and Verifying SSNs
1105.040.10obsolete by IM-11 March 18, 2014
- 1105.097.00 Appendix A – Verification of Immigration Status
- 1105.098.00 Appendix B – Guide for 40 Quarter Immigrant Eligibility Determination
- 1105.099.00 Appendix C – Guide to Immigrant Eligibility
1110.000.00 Resources
- 1110.005.00 Maximum Resources Allowed
- 1110.010.00 Persons Whose Resources Are to Be Considered
- 1110.015.00 Jointly-Owned Resources
- 1110.020.00 Excluded Resources
- 1110.020.05 Home
- 1110.020.10 Vehicles
- 1110.020.15 Burial Plots
- 1110.020.16 Life Insurance
- 1110.020.17 Prepaid Burials
- 1110.020.20 Real and Personal Property
- 1110.020.25 Business Property
- 1110.020.30 Governmental Payments
- 1110.020.35 Indian and Alaskan Native Payments
- 1110.020.40 Pension and Savings Plans
- 1110.020.42 Contracts and Notes
- 1110.020.45 Trusts and Inaccessible Resources
- 1110.020.50 Averaged Income as an Excluded Resource
- 1110.020.55 Legal Restrictions
- 1110.025.00 Non-exempt Resources
- 1110.030.00 Lump Sum Payments
- 1110.035.00 Transfer of Resources
1115.000.00 Income
- 1115.005.00 Earned Income
- 1115.010.00 Unearned Income
- 1115.015.00 Income Exclusions
- 1115.015.05 Income in Kind
- 1115.015.10 Vendor Payments
- 1115.015.15 Compensation in Lieu of Wages
- 1115.015.20 Uncertain/Irregular Income
- 1115.015.25 Loans
- 1115.015.30 Reimbursements
- 1115.015.35 Representative Payee Payments
- 1115.015.40 Earnings of Children
- 1115.015.45 Disaster Payments
- 1115.015.50 Domestic Volunteer Service Act (DVSA) – Not AmeriCorps or VISTA
- 1115.015.55 Work Study/Educational Income
- 1115.015.60 Non-recurring Payments
- 1115.015.65 Relocation Assistance
- 1115.015.70 Indian or Alaskan Native Payments
- 1115.015.75 WIA Income
- 1115.015.80 Recoupment Payments
- 1115.015.85 Military Payments
- 1115.015.90 Other Excluded Income
- 1115.020.00 Determining Income
- 1115.025.00 Income Averaging
- 1115.030.00 Converting to Monthly Income
- 1115.035.00 Income Deductions
- 1115.035.01 Disallowed Expenses
- 1115.035.02 Averaging Expenses
- 1115.035.03 Converting Deductions to Monthly Amounts
- 1115.035.05 Earned and Standard Income Deductions
- 1115.035.10 Dependent Care
- 1115.035.15 Excess Medical Deduction
- 1115.035.20 Child Support Exclusion
- 1115.035.20.05 Ineligible EU Members Paying Court Ordered Child Support
- 1115.035.20.10 Disqualified EU Members Paying Court Ordered Child Support
- 1115.035.20.15 Income Excluded for EU Member Paying Court Ordered Child Support
- 1115.035.20.20 Ineligible Student or Duplicate Participant Paying Court Ordered Child Support
- 1115.035.25 Excess Shelter Cost
- 1115.035.30 Calculating Income Deductions
- 1115.035.35 Net Income and Benefit Level Calculation
- 1115.040.00 Self-Employment Income
- 1115.040.01 Partnerships, S Corporations, and Corporations
- 1115.040.05 Income to Self-Employed Households
- 1115.040.10 Losses From Self-Employment Income
- 1115.040.15 Computing Averaged Self-Employment Income
- 1115.040.20 Anticipating Current Year’s Expenses
- 1115.040.25 Expenses of Producing Self-Employment Income
- 1115.040.30 Non-expenses of Producing Self-Employment Income
- 1115.045.00 Investment Property Income
- 1115.050.00 Farm Worker Employment Income
- 1115.055.00 Student Income
- 1115.060.00 Income of Contractual Employee
- 1115.065.00 Income From Boarders
- 1115.070.00 Income and Expenses From Disqualified/Ineligible Members for Failure to Obtain or Provide an SSN, Immigration Status, Not Meeting the ABAWD Work Requirement, or Comparable Disqualification
- 1115.071.00 Income and Expenses From Disqualified/Ineligible Members for Intentional Program Violation, Work Registration/METP Sanction, Fleeing Felon, Probation or Parole Violator, or Drug Felony Conviction
- 1115.075.00 Non-household Members
- 1115.080.00 Prohibition in Increasing Food Stamp Benefits
- 1115.085.00 Income Maintenance Grants
- 1115.090.00 Management
- 1115.095.00 Income Eligibility Limits
- 1115.099.00 Maximum Allowable Monthly Income Limits and Allotment
1120.000.00 Application Process
- 1120.005.00 Availability of Applications
- 1120.010.00 Applications Received by the Agency
1120.011.00 Online Applicationsobsolete1120.012.00 Filing an Application Outside County of Residenceobsolete- 1120.013.00 Location of Food Stamp Case Records
- 1120.015.00 Expedited Service Applications
- 1120.020.00 Date the Application Is Filed
- 1120.025.00 Signing the Application
- 1120.030.00 Period of Application
- 1120.035.00 Applications More than 60 Days Prior to Last ATP
- 1120.045.00 Interviews
1125.000.00 Expedited Service
- 1125.005.00 Screening Procedures for Expedited Services
- 1125.010.00 Expedited Service Criteria
- 1125.015.00 Changes Reported on a Pending Application/Date of Discovery
- 1125.017.00 Mail-In or Faxed Applications
- 1125.020.00 Time Frames for Processing Expedited Services
- 1125.025.00 Steps to Process Expedited Eligible Applications
- 1125.030.00 Postponed Verifications
- 1125.035.00 Expedited Certification Periods
1130.000.00 Certification Procedures
- 1130.005.00 Processing Time Frames
- 1130.010.00 Proration
- 1130.015.00 Recertifications
- 1130.020.00 Anticipated Changes at Time of Application
- 1130.025.00 Delays in Processing
- 1130.027.00 Household Provides Requested Verification/Takes Required Action After Rejection
- 1130.030.00 Certification Periods
- 1130.035.00 Basis of Issuance and Determining Benefit Levels
- 1130.040.00 Notices
- 1130.045.00 Voluntary Withdrawal of Application
- 1130.099.00 Appendix A
1135.000.00 Special Application Procedures
- 1135.005.00 Special Meal Programs
- 1135.005.05 Delivered Meal Service
- 1135.005.10 Communal Dining
- 1135.005.15 Residents of Drug and Alcohol Treatment Centers
- 1135.005.20 Individual Residing Outside Treatment Center
- 1135.005.25 Group Living Arrangement
- 1135.005.30 Homeless Meal Providers
- 1135.005.35 Shelters for Battered Women and Children
- 1135.010.00 Application by Strikers
- 1135.020.00 SSI/Food Stamp Joint Application Processing
- 1135.025.00 Students in Institutions of Higher Education
- 1135.035.00 Categorical Eligibility (CE)
1140.000.00 Simplified Reporting
- 1140.005.00 Changes Not Required to Be Reported by the Household
- 1140.005.05 Change Reported Timely
- 1140.005.10 Time Frame for Acting on Changes
- 1140.005.15 Change Processing for Applicant Households
- 1140.005.20 Increasing Benefits
- 1140.005.25 Significant Changes
- 1140.005.30 Decreased Allotment or Closing
- 1140.005.35 Mass Adjustments
- 1140.005.40 Changes to Income
- 1140.005.45 Reduction in the Number of Hours Worked by a Household Member Subject to the ABAWD Work Requirement
- 1140.005.46 Lottery and Gambling Winnings
- 1140.005.50 Address Changes
- 1140.005.55 Changes in Household’s Income Maintenance Grant
- 1140.005.60 Changes Considered Verified Upon Receipt for a Household
- 1140.005.65 Voluntary Closing Requested by a Household
- 1140.005.70 Head of Household Leaves the Home/Dies
- 1140.020.00 Mid-Certification Reviews
- 1140.025.00 Change Notices
- 1140.030.00 Quality Assurance/Quality Control Review Non-compliance
1141.000.00 Unclear Information
- 1141.005.00 When to Act on Unclear Information
- 1141.010.00 Acting on Unclear Information From Certain Data Matches
1142.000.00 SNAP Claims Determinations
- 1142.005.00 Legal Basis
- 1142.010.00 Claims Process
- 1142.015.00 Types of Claims
- 1142.020.00 Claims Referral Procedures and Determination of Date of Discovery
- 1142.025.00 Processing Time/Monitoring
- 1142.030.00 Establishing Claims
- 1142.035.00 Computing the Amount of the Claim
- 1142.040.00 Responsible Members
- 1142.045.00 Demand Letters
- 1142.050.00 Claims Hearings
- 1142.055.00 Collection Procedures
- 1142.057.00 Reducing or Increasing the Amount of an Established Claim
- 1142.060.00 Terminating a Claim
- 1142.065.00 Closing a Claim
- 1142.070.00 Reinstating a Closed or Terminated Claim
- 1142.075.00 Bankruptcy
- 1142.080.00 Overpaid Claims
1142.085.00 Deferred Adjudicationobsolete- 1142.090.00 Interstate Claims
- 1142.095.00 Retention of Records
1145.000.00 Disqualification for Intentional Program Violation
- 1145.005.00 Referral for Investigation-WIU
- 1145.010.00 Disqualification Process
- 1145.010.05 WIU Returns Claim/Referral Without Investigating
- 1145.010.10 WIU Recommends Administrative Disqualification
- 1145.010.15 Food Stamp Program Participation While Awaiting a Hearing
- 1145.010.20 Administrative Disqualification Hearing Scheduled
- 1145.010.25 Administrative Disqualification Hearing Procedure
- 1145.015.00 Disqualification Penalties
- 1145.020.00 Procedures to Impose the Disqualification Penalty
- 1145.025.00 Changing the Disqualification
- 1145.030.00 Expiration of Disqualification Penalty Period
- 1145.035.00 Criminal or Civil Court Decisions
- 1145.040.00 Disqualification From Other States
- 1145.045.00 Retention of Disqualification Records
- 1145.050.00 Special Procedures
- 1145.055.00 Investigation/Disqualification Forms
- 1145.055.05 FSD/WIU Investigation Tracking Sheet
- 1145.055.10 Advance Notice of Your Administrative Disqualification Hearing (IM-160)
- 1145.055.15 Waiver of Administrative Disqualification Hearing Consent Agreement (IM-161)
- 1145.055.20 Withdrawal of Waiver of Administrative Disqualification Hearing Consent Agreement (IM-161A)
- 1145.055.25 FAMIS Notices
1150.000.00 Replacement Issuances
- 1150.005.00 SNAP Benefits Lost From an EBT Account
- 1150.010.00 Food Purchased With SNAP Benefits Lost in a Household Misfortune
- 1150.015.00 SNAP Electronically Stolen Benefits